Red Rose Garden


Red Roses and Gerbera Daisies

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Red Roses and Gerbera Daisies

Red Roses and Gerbera Daisies

Funeral Flowers From Maria's Florist

Order a beautiful floral spray or bouquet to honor your loved one from Maria's Florist. Choose from our casket flower designs or give us a call to discuss your custom floral design needs. Most of the funeral flowers that we create are custom ordered and we will be happy to work with you during this most difficult time. Let Maria's Florist make sure your flowers are one less thing on your mind as you prepare for your loved one’s service.

Funeral Service Details

To best serve you, we ask that you please provide us with the funeral service details for your loved one. If you don't know the details of the service at the time of order we can assist you. Having accurate information helps us to eliminate any potential error or over-site. We greatly appreciate your understanding.

Pure Eternity
Kiss of Sunshine
Heartfelt Memories
Nala Sunshine
Fuchsia Pink Peace